This is the most important part of this work, continuing the Mission and Initiation of our Master and The Great Master. This is the secret part between the Master and the Disciple.
22nd April, 2019. Las Vegas.
"There is no such thing as initiation at this physical level so far as perfect master is concerned! The perfect master operates from the higher level of consciousness and initiates us at a level of consciousness, higher than this wakeful state. When a perfect master initiates you, he creates a connection between you and his higher form at the next higher level of consciousness. No perfect master ever initiates his disciples at this physical plane!”
“The “real” initiation takes place at the astral level within, from where he operates; from where he connects his “spiritual form” to ours. He does not believe in teaching any new system of rituals and ceremonies. He does not propagate any new practices or methods of worship. We have already been confused enough by all these things. We have been praying and worshipping the Lord for thousands of years in thousands of different ways.”
Excerpts from 'The Anatomy of Consciousness', Ishwar Chandra Puri
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